

Artificial intelligence is an undeniable force in our world today, its complexities profound, and the path forward is not always clear.

At Code the Dream, we are dedicated to empowering individuals from underrepresented groups in tech and helping them secure meaningful employment. Our mission extends to building technology that serves the greater good and fosters a more equitable society. Exploring and engaging with AI and other emerging technologies is an important part of this mission

With Synthesize, we want to celebrate Black culture and art in an innovative and playful way, using AI as a tool for creativity, and offering new ways to express and celebrate cultural heritage.

At Code the Dream, we believe that by fostering knowledge and gaining experience, we can better understand and navigate future challenges, finding ways to use AI that align with our values and vision for a just and equitable future.

Special thanks to the Black Googlers Network for their support and collaboration on this project.

And thank you Candy Carver and all the other great muralists and artists out there. Your work is invaluable